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Financial Matters
Dear Friends:
I have a heart's desire to assist you, with the help of the Lord, the Word of God, my professional training and life experiences. To keep this ministry continuing for you and for others, I call your attention to the financial matter.
The normal cost for private individual counseling at this level is $160 per 50 minute session. If you have an adequate income, I would appreciate your financial support in that amount.
For those who have lower incomes, the following sliding scale guide will assist you in determining a reasonable payment to this ministry for each counseling session.
Household Weekly Gross Wages Amount:
$0 to $225 $ 90
$226 to $335 $ 100
$336 to $400 $ 110
$401 to $500 $ 120
$501 to $600 $ 130
$601 to $700 $ 140
$701 to $800 $ 150
$801 and up $160
As a general rule, you will NOT be charged for professional advice given over the phone, outside of your scheduled session, if the call is brief (15 minutes or less). Should the situation require a longer session, a fee will be charged in ½ hour increments.
Thank you for helping someone else receive help too, by sustaining this ministry financially.
Dolores Riley, Ph.. D.
Clinical Pastoral Counselor
801 West Bay Drive, Suite 422A
Largo, Florida 33770
(727) 515-1657